My New Blog

Dear All,

Currently, I'm active @, my new blog.


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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Friday, April 10, 2009 At 1:51 PM | 0 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

What is Lailatul Qadar?

The definition can be found in Al-Quran (al-Qadar:1-5).

In the name of God, the Benevolent, the Merciful.
1 Lo! We revealed it on the Night of Predestination.
2 Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Night of Power is!
3 The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
4 The angels and the Spirit descend therein, by the permission of their Lord, with all decrees.
5 (The night is) Peace until the rising of the dawn.

During the last ten days of Ramadan, Muslim do some retreat in the Mosque. They read Al-Quran and pray as they believe that Allah would grand those who pray out of sincere faith one night which is better than a thousand months (of praying).

One who is granted would feels a certain sensation or experience. However, those who don't might presume the coming of the beautiful night as there are visible signs such as the sun rises early in the morning without rays, rain may fall either during the night or during the day of that night, during night the sky will be lightly foggy,the sky will be slightly lighted without reflections and without rays.


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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Sunday, September 28, 2008 At 4:28 AM | 7 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

My Idul Fitri since 2003

In 2003, I got married to this wonderful husband named Hadi. Since then, my life has changed. Same thing with how I spend Idul Fitri.

Being his wife makes me have to go with him to his parents' house in the morning, right after we finish the Ied prayer. Of course, since we live close to my parents', we see them first, but only for a while.

In his parents' house, we have breakfast, then follow her mum and siblings to some of his family's houses like his aunties or elder cousins.

In each house, we 'must' taste cookies or even some meals they have prepared for the guesses. Normally, we go to 3 - 5 houses. After that, we go back to his parents' house, have lunch if we haven't then serve cookies and drinks for guesses coming to see his mother.

At 03.00 PM, we'd go back to my parents' house. There are my parents' siblings that we need to meet. Some of my parents' cousins, nieces and nephews come, too.

Before being a wife, I would be spending the whole first day of Idul Fitri at my parents' house and help them serve the guesses.

The second day stays almost the same before or after I got married. My parents and I (and sometimes along with my husband if he doesn't have to go with his family to some relatives' houses) go to our relatives' houses. Cookies and meals are everywhere...

We do celebrate this beautiful day...

Can't wait 'til it comes!


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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Saturday, September 27, 2008 At 10:53 PM | 0 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

What is the essence of fasting?

It's about mortifying the flesh. You must forbear your mondial desires and passions. Especially during the day, in between pre-dawn and after-sunset meals.

It is meant to turn you into a better person. Pure, right on the winning day, Iedul Fitri.

Holding your desire to eat reminds you of the unfortunate ones who might only have the chance to eat once in every two days or even longer.

Holding your desire of intercourse can forbear you from zina.

Holding your desire to get angry helps you be a gentle person.

Fasting also makes you closer to God. No one can tell whether you really fast or not. You can simply get into a restaurant without being seen by anyone you know to whom you claim your fasting. But, God sees you. It's simply between you and God. It's like a special 'relationship' containing honesty with your Creator.

Those who really understand how special fasting is feel as special.


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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Tuesday, September 23, 2008 At 9:21 PM | 2 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

I love bookstores!

bookstores in jakartaI love them so much that whenever I'm in one, I want to go home!


Why would I go home from a place that I love?

Whenever I'm in one, ideas come unstopably. First, some phrases, then some plots.

Oh yeah, I love bookstores.

They make me wanna go home and write.

I wish I had a laptop so I can start writing down those ideas anywhere, anytime.

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Saturday, September 13, 2008 At 10:23 PM | 28 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Another Short Story in a Magazine

Again, I've got my short story published in a magazine. For that particular magz, it is my 3rd. But, overall, this is my 6th short story in several magz.

I am sooo happy!

My first short story published in a magazine was in August 2004, the second one in December 2004 at the same magazine. The third one was in July 2005, fourth in April 2006, fifth in December 2007, all in the same magazine.

This 6th one is published in the same magazine as the first 2 ones. This magazine was once my favorite when I was a university student back then.

I hope the will be I won't stop writing either.

Thanks, Femina!


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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Tuesday, September 09, 2008 At 8:10 PM | 2 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

What Muslim Do and Don't Do while Fasting

Here are some of them:

  • Muslim do not eat, starting from 10 minutes before their pre-dawn prayer (Subuh) up to their sunset prayer (Maghrib).

  • After their last prayer of the day (around 1 hour after the sunset prayer), they will pray together for several rakaats (rakaat is a measure of a prayer, each consists of standing, bowing and prostrating and sitting). Some do it for 11 rakaat, others for 23 rakaat.

  • They spend more time to read Al-Qur'an.

  • During the day, husband and wife are not allowed to have intercourse.

  • dates fasting MuslimThe pre-dawn meal is called sahur, and it is better for them to take it--although some think that they can still do their fasting without it--as the meal is blessed by Allah (God).

  • When they break their fasting, normally they eat dates.

  • They feel closer to Allah as this is the month where Allah rain on them bunches of love and mercy.


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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Sunday, September 07, 2008 At 11:25 AM | 2 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Thursday Thirteen: My Job

my used-to-be-empty-now-it-looks-different desk at the office

Currently, I'm working as a web content editor for What must I do? And, what makes me love this job?

Here are the answers:
  1. I have to update the website at least four to five times a week.
  2. I write articles on various Astro Oasis programs.
  3. I have the chance to watch various excellent documentaries--because I have to write about them.
  4. I prepare live chat events with various Indonesian prominent people.
  5. I also have to do some reporting jobs should there be any interesting external or internal events.
  6. I have to submit program schedules once a month--and that takes me about 2 whole days to complete.
  7. I also have to submit daily praying time.
  8. I prepare monthly report on visitors and hits.
  9. I manage the whole content.
  10. I have to connect with the website provider--which is quite challenging!
  11. I love this job because it suits my passion (writing and web content editing)
  12. It relates to my belief, so I tend to become more religious.
  13. It broadens my knowledge.

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Thursday, September 04, 2008 At 9:35 PM | 4 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

How Many Teeth Does a 4 year old Have?

four years old teeth gumPlease help. If you have a four year old kid, share your story with me here.

My daughter, Hana, has 20 teeth now (10 up, 10 down). But, last night she got a fever. And, I had this suspicion that the cause was another tooth that would be coming out anytime soon.

I touched her gum and it seemed to be different. As if a tooth is trying hard to show up.

Today, her temperature was getting normal. But, it seems like it's getting up again.

It's 9 PM here, and she's still awake. She insisted that she wasn't sleepy yet.

So, kindly share what you know to this panic Mama. Thanks!

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Tuesday, September 02, 2008 At 8:53 PM | 5 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

WW - Tuesday edition - Yes, I'm back, again!

recognize something different?

Happy WW!

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On At 8:43 PM | 11 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

On Friendship

Now, I feel like I see friendship differently from how I saw it long time ago when I was younger--yeah, I am admitting that I'm no longer young.

It becomes more complicated. And, no, I don't enjoy this new point of view.

I wish I still could see it the way I did before. But, people change. I change. They change--those whom I used to call friends.

My dear cousin who gave me a lift to office today told me about her excitement on seeing her beloved friends. I told her, "Enjoy it, dear. As you might see it differently later when you really grow up."

When I was little, I wished to grow up very very soon. And, now, I wish, time didn't go by that fast. I want to enjoy those days when I thought of nothing but fun. Just like my dear cousin.

I knew the fact that she was the one taking me to the office this afternoon--after we went to my grandpa's brother funeral preparation--was somehow planned by Allah. As, maybe, Allah wanted me to change (again) this new idea of mine on friendship.

I want to really enjoy friendship. I do!

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Wednesday, August 27, 2008 At 4:09 PM | 1 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

[Review] Sister of My Heart by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Reading this novel is like letting your heart be the passenger of the wildest roller coaster. And, for me, roller coaster is frustrating.

So, yes, I was frustrated reading this beautiful novel.

It is full of secrets, revealed one by one within the chapters. When the secret was out, I felt like leaving the book on the table. It was too hard to keep up with.

But, I couldn't.

So, I kept on reading until the last page. It was just too beautiful to leave behind.

The characters, Anju and Sudha, are the roots of complexity of the story. Derived from what Sudha's father did, their relationship becomes complicated and beautiful at the same time.

I don't like Anju. And, I don't like Sudha either. I wish Anju would stop thinking only about herself or at least of what she thinks is right. And, I wish Sudha wants to think only about herself.

Just like other Divakaruni's stories, the ending doesn't seem to be like an end. Especially, since those two characters are reunited in "The Vine of Desire", another novel by Divakaruni. I've got it on my bookshelves. But, I'm not ready to read it yet. Maybe in another one month, after all the pain from "Sister of My Heart" disappears.

I suggest that this book should not be read while you are on PMS.


It took me more than 3 weeks to write this review down after I finished reading the book. Just too painful. But, again, so beautifully written I couldn't just keep it for myself.

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Monday, August 11, 2008 At 9:57 PM | 2 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

This Pretty Picture...

Isn't it pretty?

*Cropped from here*


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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Monday, August 04, 2008 At 5:18 PM | 0 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

[Review] Boy: Tales of Childhood by Roald Dahl

I read Matilda it was years ago, when I was little, I guess. And, I was in love with the novel.

Although it seemed that for me Matilda was the only Dahl’s captivating book, I couldn’t help it when I saw “Boy, Tales of Childhood” a few months ago.

With around 30% of discount, I grabbed the book--which happened to be the only one on the shelf. Yet, I had no time to read it until last week.

Not so surprising, I was also in love with this memoir. There are five episodes of Dahl’s life that I have a thing about:

  • The time when he did something funny at the sweets shop.
  • The time when he got his adenoids taken out (a surgery without any anaesthetics!).
  • The time when he started to lose faith in religion.
  • The time when he had to go to Repton and had to put on funny uniforms.
  • The time when he was trying to get a job that could send him to Africa or China.
This book is definitely something I want my kids to read. So rich in wonderful, funny, touching details.

You should read it.

This book is definitely something I want my kids to read. So rich in wonderful, funny, touching details.

You should read it.

An interesting note he made on writing as a job:

"A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom."

I'd like to know what you think of those phrase...I have mine--secretly kept in mind.

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Wednesday, July 16, 2008 At 12:10 AM | 2 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Me and My BabyHana

Last week, on Thursday, I fell while walking. No reason in particular. I just happened to fall, that was all.

Friday, I took a day off, but still working from home in between my tryin' to rest my feet.

Today, they felt better and didn't hurt as much as they did on Thursday and Friday. So, I went to work.

But, before, I took my BabyHana to school. It was her first day in the kindergarten. She's a playgroup graduate, by the way.

I know, she's not a baby anymore--especially since she wasn't bothered at all with my leaving her to work. But, no matter what, she's always my dear baby girl.

Love being a mom!

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Monday, July 14, 2008 At 10:40 PM | 2 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

[Review] P.S. I Love You

It made me laugh. It made me cry. It made me kiss my husband right after I finished watching.

It's not simply about husband-wife relationship and how you deal with your days after your spouse passes away. It's also about mother-daughter relationship as well as friendship.

I think, it's the kind of movie a pushy and harsh wife must watch--not that I'm one of them, just ask my hubby should you not believe my saying ;D.

There is a statement of Patricia, Holly's Mom, that in a way touched me deeply, "You know the worst thing for a parent... second after losing a child? Watching your child head for the same life you had. You can't stop it. It's a terrible, helpless feeling. Makes you angry all the time."

Patricia, I have to disagree with you. You CAN stop it. Amin.

One thing for sure, I can't wait to read the novel! :D


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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Friday, July 11, 2008 At 4:55 PM | 1 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Still @ the Office!

I'm supposed to be at home by now. Oh no, actually there is a junior high reunion somewhere in the middle of the city. But, I prefer to stay @ the office so that I can pass next Monday in peace.

And, I was right. Exercising with the article and the look of the page on the website I'm currently working on took lots of time--which I did enjoy so much (Imagine, getting paid for doing what you like...that's heaven or what?!).

I'm working for Astro Oasis, a family TV channel with Islamic content, available 24 hours, 7 days a week, all year long. This channel is a part of TV channels available on pay TV service Astro Indonesia. And, I've been having great times!

Now, I really gotta go home. It's 7.05 PM already. Ok, for those workaholics, it's still too early to leave the office. But, I'm not one of those. I might love my job, but I miss my daughter already...

So, c ya! And, have a great weekend!

*I do MISS blogging!*

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Friday, July 04, 2008 At 7:01 PM | 0 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

No time to Blog

Oh's been so long since my last post. I've been so busy with work that I have no time to really blog, share stories, pictures, and interesting events in my life--yeah, like you need them that badly.

But, I really do miss it. Not only posting but also visiting your blogs, commenting here and there, watching your kids grow. Yeah, DO miss it.

My life? How do I picture it now?

It's good. It's sometimes even so great that I thank Allah every single second. And, BTW, I feel like I'm more religious now. It's good. I think it could be because of my job--I work for a family tv channel with Islamic content--or it could be the monthly gathering in a Mosque near my house. Or, both.

My daughter is 4 now. She has graduated from the playgroup. She will be going to kindergarten next month. We have chosen Al-Hidayah, an Islamic school. We would like her to understand Islam well. Besides, it's nearby and it's not expensive.

My husband shaved his mustache last week and I almost didn't recognize him. I screamed, "You're not the one I fell in love with!"

Now, at least, I know why I fell in love with--no, no, I haven't been asking myself about it all these years (I've known him for almost 7 years now).

I think that's it for now. I hope I'll have the chance to visit your blogs, my dear fellow bloggers.

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Wednesday, June 25, 2008 At 11:49 PM | 2 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Astro Oasis - May 2008


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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Monday, May 19, 2008 At 7:14 PM | 1 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

I found in my friend, Ollie's jurnal. I decided to give it a try. Here is my result:

Your personality type:

Quietly forceful, original and sensitive. Tend to stick to things until they are done. Extremely intuitive about people and concerned for their feelings. Well-developed value systems which they strictly adhere to. Well-respected for their perseverance in doing the right thing. Likely to be individualistic, rather than leading or following.

Careers that could fit you includes:

Counselors, clergy, missionaries, teachers, medical doctors, dentists, chiropractors, psychologists, psychiatrists, writers, musicians, artists, psychics, photographers, child care workers, education consultants, librarians, marketeers, scientists, social workers.

*love to see those 3 careers*

TFS, Lie...


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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Sunday, May 04, 2008 At 12:59 AM | 3 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Enjoying Weekend

It's been a while since I could enjoy the beauty of a weekend. While working at home for about 7 months, I worked almost everyday, including weekend.

So, this first weekend of my going back to work at the office is somehow special. We went to a wedding this morning. And afterwards, I got a light massage from my maid. She is not a good one but she managed to get rid of my headache with her hands.

Tonight, there will be a family gathering to discuss about my cousin's wedding that will be held at the end of this month. Tomorrow, I might need to attend a book launching (part of work) in the morning and take my daughter to a story telling activity in a bookstore in the afternoon.

From where I see it, this weekend is a wonderful start for other upcoming weekends.

Have a nice weekend, y'all!

*I gotta explain the pic, the frog. Don't you see that he looks so happy? I feel exactly like what that frog feels: happy!*


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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Saturday, May 03, 2008 At 5:43 PM | 0 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Thursday 13 - Back to Work

I'm back! And, I'd like to share my experiences on going back to work...

  1. I drink more water, not tea, not coffee, because everyday, on my desk, there is a huge glass of water, well served.
  2. I know that actually mu hubby does worry about me. He calls everyday to check out when I'll be back at home. The working hours end at 06.30 PM and it's ark already at 06.00, with the traffic jam, I'd reach home only at 07.00 (or 5-10 to 7), it varies.
  3. My babyhana misses me so much. Once, she walked on her sleep, calling my name...I feel like crying when hubby told me this.
  4. I can bring lunch to office. Thank God! That way, I don't have to spend 10% of my salary only for lunch and spend it on other more important things--like going out with my daughter.
  5. Once, I wore a baby-doll kinda blouse and a nice lady on the bus offered me her seat because she thought I was pregnant. Oh, Ma'am, I'm chubby, that's all, not pregnant. But, thanks anyway for your kindness. And, of course, I didn't take the seat.
  6. On the second day, I joined my colleagues to visit another colleagues who has just given birth to a lovely baby. Oh...every time I see babies, I feel like having one...
  7. On the second day, I got totally wet. It was heavily raining and I had to go home anyway.
  8. I eat more for dinner. Normally, I don't. But, since I worked, I ate A LOT! Yeah, forget the diet!
  9. The people in the office are nice. I love nice people!
  10. Yesterday, there was a party at the office. It was cool! We even got goody bags. I gave it to my daughter and she was so happy about it.
  11. I put my daughter's pic on the desktop. And, that makes me miss her even more!
  12. I haven't got a phone line. Well, my job doesn't require me to make lots of phone calls, so, be it.
  13. I pray everyday that things will be just fine. Would you pray for me too? :D Thanks!

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Thursday, May 01, 2008 At 11:05 AM | 10 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

I Will Still Be Writing at Home

Things might change a little in the next future. I might go back to work, 9 to 5 (in my country, Indonesia, it's 8 to 5 or 8.30 to 5.30...we tend to wake up earlier so the companies want us to come earlier than those living in the west). It's not for sure yet. I haven't signed any papers but the boss said, "Welcome aboard," already. We'll see.

The job might be kinda demanding, so, I don't think I'll have a chance to blog at the office. But, there is no way I'm gonna cut this hobby off. I definitely will still be writing blogging at home.

Writing/blogging is a great therapy, I have to admit. I feel much better after posting. I feel happier, more contented.

I know, these days I don't blog as often as before. Actually, because things run so fast in my life. First this and then that...than go back to this and next thing I know this turns out to be that again. Life has been like riding a roller coaster. So, getting time to blog here is hard.

But, know what, I managed to watch a TV series, Traveler. One of the TV stations in my country has just aired it and many people seemed to love it. But, the end was only like that? So disappointing. Why wouldn't ABC bring it back?

Well, at least, I could find an explanation HERE.

Now, I only have American and Indonesian Idol to watch!

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Saturday, April 19, 2008 At 9:51 PM | 1 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Wordless Wednesday - Tuesday Edition


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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Tuesday, April 15, 2008 At 10:04 AM | 4 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

My daughter was ill

What is more frustrating for a mom than her baby being ill?

Last week, it was a hard week for me. First, she got some light fever. Then, she got hives. And, last, I found out that she got an infection.

My husband and I brought her to the pediatrician last Saturday. Then, we went for some pizza at Izzi Pizza. She loves Pizza so much, I don't know whether it was the medicines or the pizza that made her get well.

About the infection, I have to's my fault. Previously, I was so busy with deadlines and I let the maid took care of her. And, it seemed that the maid doesn't really care about health and hygiene.

So, now, everything about my baby is under my control. She's my everything and I hate it when she's not feeling well.

Know what, one of those nights, I didn't sleep until 2.30 am, watching her breathing like a paranoid! I bet I'm not the only one doing that, am I?

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Monday, March 24, 2008 At 8:51 PM | 7 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Write at Home Mom

  • I'm a Mom

    I'm a writer

    I'm trying to live with both labels

    Most important:

    I love being both!

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