Me and My BabyHana

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Monday, July 14, 2008 At 10:40 PM |

Last week, on Thursday, I fell while walking. No reason in particular. I just happened to fall, that was all.

Friday, I took a day off, but still working from home in between my tryin' to rest my feet.

Today, they felt better and didn't hurt as much as they did on Thursday and Friday. So, I went to work.

But, before, I took my BabyHana to school. It was her first day in the kindergarten. She's a playgroup graduate, by the way.

I know, she's not a baby anymore--especially since she wasn't bothered at all with my leaving her to work. But, no matter what, she's always my dear baby girl.

Love being a mom!

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Blogger ime' Says:

lucu banget yah kalo' anak baru masuk sekolah itu.

cepet sembuh yah sama kakinya.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

:D hehehe

thanks, me :D


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