What is the essence of fasting?

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Tuesday, September 23, 2008 At 9:21 PM |

It's about mortifying the flesh. You must forbear your mondial desires and passions. Especially during the day, in between pre-dawn and after-sunset meals.

It is meant to turn you into a better person. Pure, right on the winning day, Iedul Fitri.

Holding your desire to eat reminds you of the unfortunate ones who might only have the chance to eat once in every two days or even longer.

Holding your desire of intercourse can forbear you from zina.

Holding your desire to get angry helps you be a gentle person.

Fasting also makes you closer to God. No one can tell whether you really fast or not. You can simply get into a restaurant without being seen by anyone you know to whom you claim your fasting. But, God sees you. It's simply between you and God. It's like a special 'relationship' containing honesty with your Creator.

Those who really understand how special fasting is feel as special.


for this post

Blogger ime' Says:

have a great fasting :) and also an outstanding Iedul Fitri :)

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

thank you, ime :D


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