Today Exactly One Year Ago... GrandMa passed away...

I miss her so much...

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Thursday, September 27, 2007 At 8:39 PM | 6 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Thursday 13 - What I Expect of Being a WAHM

This will be a great adventure, being a are what i expect:

  1. I will have all my liberty to sleep very very late (I prefer working at nite) and can wake up anytime I want.
  2. I don't have to dress up.
  3. I can play with my BabyHana anytime I want.
  4. I'll have a chance to learn cooking (yeah, rite...I doubt it myself *grin*).
  5. I can take my BabyHana to school and wait for her there until she's done.
  6. I will have more time to write (who knows, my 2nd book might come soon ;D).
  7. I'll have time to catch up with my friends for lunch or afternoon tea coffee.
  8. I'll have more time to blog.
  9. I can go to bookstores or library more often.
  10. I can sleep longer (I haven't mentioned it, have I? ;D).
  11. I can get online all day long (do you hear me? ALL DAY LONG! Love it!)
  12. I can learn how to nap (honestly, I can'y nap for everytime I wake up after a nap, I'll get dizzy).
  13. I'll have more time to read (there are dozens of books on the shelves left untouched).

All these 13 are the pluses...wondering what would be the minuses...let's see if I can work it out for my next-week TT :D

More TTs here...

*picture by Michal Koralewski reedited by me*

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Thursday, September 20, 2007 At 11:08 AM | 15 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

WW: My BabyHana before My Brother in Law's Wedding

Visit WW's site for more great pics...

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Wednesday, September 19, 2007 At 11:08 AM | 15 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

A Dear Friend: She Has Faith in Me

I've known this wonderful lady for only less than a year, yet she means a lot already.

Our friendship grows stronger for we have the same interests and profession (or at least in less than a month, the profession will be the same), and mostly the same opinions over some stuff. We haven't met offline but we meet online almost everyday (except for some weekends while I'm off).

We talk about many things. We have great discussions over books, writing, editing, and many more.

But, most important, she has faith in me. She believes that I am talented.

That is so beautiful to have someone who believes in your ability more than you do.

To be honest, I haven't gotten my confidence back--I lost it over some silly happenings in my life. I keep thinking that I'm nothing. But she protested. She told me that I was good.

Well, that meant a lot. I was so deeply touched.

Without her realizing it, actually, she's been helping me gain my confidence back little by little.

This post is dedicated to her, my dear friend, Rini.

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Tuesday, September 18, 2007 At 11:12 AM | 0 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Finally, soon, I'll Be a WAHM (Working at Home Mom)

This idea of being a WAHM has come to me since last year after reading some American women's blog (it could be your blog). I kept imagining how it would be like to be able to work from home.

Being a WAHM interests me very much for 2 main reasons: one, it can make me be closer to my daughter, Hana; two, well, to be honest, there are times when I become a very very lazy person who whishes to just stay at home and blog all day (yeah, rite!).

I am a very bad decision maker. I hate to make any more decisions. I'm the kind of person who just lets my life go with the flow. If, let's say, I'm water and there are two streams ahead, I won't have to choose one, instead, I'll be simply flowing to wherever my body goes.

So, no, I didn't choose to be a WAHM. The situation led me the way. After struggling for almost a year, the company I've been working for decided to end the office rent by the end of this month. Yet, there are still some projects. So, it's not closing down, yet I was simply asked to get the projects done at home.

That's a good news! For me, it is.

So, now, I'm a bit both excited and nervous. I can't wait 'til the day where I can work from home comes yet I'm afraid to have it come so quickly I don't know how to deal with it.

In addition to the excitement of working from home, I got a new translation project. Now, it's a middle east literature that I will have to work on until mid November. It's something new. Previously, I did an absurd novel, a suspense novel, romance, and children books (up until now 5,5--0,5 of the novel I'm translating is not done yet). But never a mid east novel.

Now, about my worries. I'm the kind of person who prefers stability over anything. I don't like changes. I don't like uncertainty. I'd like to have everything well managed. It seems like, being a WAHM, I have to learn to love changes, to deal better with uncertainty, to be more flexible with my plan and management of life. So much to learn.

But, well, I think I'll be starting this new phase of life with curiosity, excitement and a bit of nervousness. I hope I'll be able to make it. I just need to be positive about this 'decision' made by circumstances.

Yet, would you please wish me luck and pray for me so that things will be just fine? And, this will be my live-happily-ever-after...

Thank you in advance.

*the above picture is more like my idea of a working space at's a dream that will hopefully come true, one day, amin*

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Friday, September 14, 2007 At 12:09 PM | 5 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Wordless Wednesday - Sunset from the Window of My Upstairs Room



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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Wednesday, September 12, 2007 At 2:32 PM | 5 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Write at Home Mom

  • I'm a Mom

    I'm a writer

    I'm trying to live with both labels

    Most important:

    I love being both!

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