Back to Normal

After spending a week in sorrow and being totally busy helping my mother in law preparing the wedding of her son (my husband’s youngest brother), now, I’m considered back to normal life.

Let me explain the sorrow…it started when the printing house doing my book made an unnecessary mistake that lead them to reprint the whole books. That meant I couldn’t publish the book on my birthday. I was kinda frustrated, I have to admit. I was extremely disappointed.

Then, I was foolishly expecting something that I shouldn’t have (not related to my book at all, it’s another stuff). And, when it seemed like the thing wouldn’t happen, I got very disappointed again.

And, worst, I had been ill the whole week. I couldn’t stop coughing again and again. I couldn’t sleep well.

Such a sad week, wasn’t it?

Now, about the wedding. It was fun. It’s just I wasn’t at my best condition. Both physically and mentally. I should’ve done more than what I’d done.

And that whole week, I didn’t touch the translation project. Well, I should’ve but I just didn’t have the energy.

But now, I’m being my robust strong-willed energetic self again. Thank God.

It started last Sunday when I was reading La Tahzan, Don't Be Sad, a book by DR Aidh Abdullah Al-Qarni. I recommend that book to anyone willing to get rid of gloom.

It helped me. It’ll help you.

Now, will you excuse me, I need to get back to work!

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Tuesday, May 29, 2007 At 11:33 AM | 2 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Read Good Books

I love reading so much that I feel like lately I've been trapped in a space where I can't read more than I wish I could. I can't. I have no time for reading. I've been sooooooooooo busy doing other thing that I'm not totally enjoying.

But lately, a dear friend (she's also a writer), introduce me to And I'm sooo happy. I can list down all the books that I've read, am reading, and will be reading. Isn't it wonderful to share what you think of a book to others?

Thanks, Sis! You really made my day.


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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Wednesday, May 23, 2007 At 1:12 PM | 1 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Cooling Down

You must know that I've been trying to self-publish my novel, Quadrangle (in Indonesian). I was planning to publish it on my birthday. But the printing house made a silly mistake that made me have to let go of that idea.

Sad, I was so sad. Disappointed.

I don't know, my bay my coughing now is somehow caused by the stress. You know, lately, these afflictions I've been having seemed to be caused by stress that I've been dealing with.

But, hey, now I'm kinda cooling down. Trying to feel better, get rid of the emotion and stress.

Why should I burry myself in this silly sadness while there are lots of fun I can do? Right?

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Tuesday, May 22, 2007 At 5:21 PM | 2 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

[Quadrangle] My Groupie

She helped me let go of my fear…
She made me stop all the unnecessary worries…
She ended my silly thoughts…

With her tears, with her sincere smile, with her words…
That she was proud of me…
That she claimed that I’d done my best…

Thank you for your faith in me,
Thank you for always being there for me,
Thank you for your endless love…

I love you so much. I really do. That’s why this novel is dedicated to you…

*So now, no matter what will happen to my Quadrangle, I know that I’ve got myself a groupie, my own beloved Mom*

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Friday, May 18, 2007 At 12:28 PM | 0 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

What would I do?

I’ve just learned it from my own experience.

Whenever I am kinda blocked up while doing my translation job, I always stop. Sometimes I push myself…but then, I would decide to just stop.

But hey, don’t think that I would give up. Coz I won’t.

There are always 2 options:

  • Either I simply close the file, exit the program, shut down my computer, then go to sleep, and the next morning, I would wake up, turn it on, open the file, try to unclog it…
  • Or I open another file…mostly it would be my writing (fictions or blog posts—like now ;-))…jot down a few words…then I would go back to the previous file…try to find the right meaning of the phrase…

And…guess what…I always can figure out how to put those difficult phrases into another version of language.

So, what’s the moral of the above discovery?

Just don’t give up. Even if you think you need to stop. Do it. Take your time. But, going back and finding a way out of your trouble would be the best thing you can do for yourself.

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Monday, May 07, 2007 At 4:42 PM | 3 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Write at Home Mom

  • I'm a Mom

    I'm a writer

    I'm trying to live with both labels

    Most important:

    I love being both!

Now, I'm blogging at, please visit me there. Thanks.

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