Hana's Jealousy is over now

When I was very busy with the preparation of my novel, I had to take an hour each evening (after getting home from office) to retouch the design of the cover or edit some words. Actually evening should be my time with my babyhana.

So, one day, when she saw me in front of the computer, still saving some data, she looked angry and said, "Throw these away! Just throw away your work!"

OMG, I was so sad. It looked like she got jealous at my work.

But last Wednesday was the final day of the preparation. So, starting last night, I could spend the whole evening with her. She looked happy. And, of course, I'm happy.

She's my everything. I've been trying to publish the novel not for my own satisfaction. I do it for her, for us. She needs more fund later when she grows up to go to college or even university. This novel is one of the so many ways I try in order to give her the chance to get as high education.

I think, one day she'll understand.

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Now, I'm blogging at http://NadiahAlwi.com/english, please visit me there. Thanks.

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Friday, April 20, 2007 At 10:24 AM | 4 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

I am...back?


I mean, at least I start visiting this blog daily again.

It's all because of the novel that I self-publish. I've been very busy. Plus, I'm the only writer/editor at the office. I used to work together with Rani. But now I have to handle things alone.

Back to my novel. Yes, early May, I will be having a novel that I publish myself. That's a double job. Oh, no, it's a more than just a double job.

I wrote it myself, I edited (along with some friends who've been lovingly willing to help), I designed the cover (together with my hubby), I looked for and went to the printing house myself, and I will be distributing plus promoting it myself.

So, now you can imagine how busy I've been.

I didn't know that it would be sooo demanding. I thought it was simple. But on reality, it caused me illness.

Well, anyway I think it's worth the hard work.

So...am I back?


Really miss you all!

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Now, I'm blogging at http://NadiahAlwi.com/english, please visit me there. Thanks.

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Thursday, April 19, 2007 At 1:24 PM | 3 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Write at Home Mom

  • I'm a Mom

    I'm a writer

    I'm trying to live with both labels

    Most important:

    I love being both!

Now, I'm blogging at http://NadiahAlwi.com, please visit me there. Thanks.

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