On Friendship

Now, I feel like I see friendship differently from how I saw it long time ago when I was younger--yeah, I am admitting that I'm no longer young.

It becomes more complicated. And, no, I don't enjoy this new point of view.

I wish I still could see it the way I did before. But, people change. I change. They change--those whom I used to call friends.

My dear cousin who gave me a lift to office today told me about her excitement on seeing her beloved friends. I told her, "Enjoy it, dear. As you might see it differently later when you really grow up."

When I was little, I wished to grow up very very soon. And, now, I wish, time didn't go by that fast. I want to enjoy those days when I thought of nothing but fun. Just like my dear cousin.

I knew the fact that she was the one taking me to the office this afternoon--after we went to my grandpa's brother funeral preparation--was somehow planned by Allah. As, maybe, Allah wanted me to change (again) this new idea of mine on friendship.

I want to really enjoy friendship. I do!

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By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Wednesday, August 27, 2008 At 4:09 PM | 1 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

[Review] Sister of My Heart by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Reading this novel is like letting your heart be the passenger of the wildest roller coaster. And, for me, roller coaster is frustrating.

So, yes, I was frustrated reading this beautiful novel.

It is full of secrets, revealed one by one within the chapters. When the secret was out, I felt like leaving the book on the table. It was too hard to keep up with.

But, I couldn't.

So, I kept on reading until the last page. It was just too beautiful to leave behind.

The characters, Anju and Sudha, are the roots of complexity of the story. Derived from what Sudha's father did, their relationship becomes complicated and beautiful at the same time.

I don't like Anju. And, I don't like Sudha either. I wish Anju would stop thinking only about herself or at least of what she thinks is right. And, I wish Sudha wants to think only about herself.

Just like other Divakaruni's stories, the ending doesn't seem to be like an end. Especially, since those two characters are reunited in "The Vine of Desire", another novel by Divakaruni. I've got it on my bookshelves. But, I'm not ready to read it yet. Maybe in another one month, after all the pain from "Sister of My Heart" disappears.

I suggest that this book should not be read while you are on PMS.


It took me more than 3 weeks to write this review down after I finished reading the book. Just too painful. But, again, so beautifully written I couldn't just keep it for myself.

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Now, I'm blogging at http://NadiahAlwi.com/english, please visit me there. Thanks.

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Monday, August 11, 2008 At 9:57 PM | 2 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

This Pretty Picture...

Isn't it pretty?

*Cropped from here*


Now, I'm blogging at http://NadiahAlwi.com/english, please visit me there. Thanks.

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Monday, August 04, 2008 At 5:18 PM | 0 opinion(s), wanna share yours? |

Write at Home Mom

  • I'm a Mom

    I'm a writer

    I'm trying to live with both labels

    Most important:

    I love being both!

Now, I'm blogging at http://NadiahAlwi.com, please visit me there. Thanks.

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