TT - The Beauty of Indonesia

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Thursday, January 17, 2008 At 1:23 PM |

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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Hi!Thank you for being my first visitor.Blogging is hardwork too, I guess.Thinking of topics.And when problogging already, writing /advertising about topics that you have not thought of before.LOL!

Thanks for sharing those pics!
Hope to see more of you!

Blogger Robin Says:

Wow!! It looks like paradise. I would love to visit someday.

Blogger My Busy Life Says:

Absolutely breath taking photos! I wish we had places that were more natural and relaxing. What an amazing thing to have in your life, you are truly blessed. I am up too.

Blogger Baba Says:

Good morning Nadiah, Thanks for your visit to my place..These photos are great... I would love to visit some of these beautiful places..thanks for taking me there with pictures.

You ask the question of "Why" I did my post using the letter W?? I have been going through the alphabet each week using a letter and posting 13 things about myself..only 3 letters left to finish..

Blogger ellen b. Says:

Those are beautiful photos. Happy TT to you...

Blogger Janet Says:

It certainly is beautiful!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Beautiful photos. I have never been lucky enough to goto Indonesia, but my sister has been several times and she loves the place and may one day even settle there.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

foto yang kedua sepertinya kenal deh, fotonya ada di bagian foto milist silungkang yang simpan tersebut namanya daniel

Orang silungkang yach ?


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