My being a WAHM turned out to be a disaster!

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Wednesday, October 24, 2007 At 2:08 PM |

All this time, I’ve always been amazed to SAHM (Stay at Home Mom). But, now, I am more amazed to WAHM! No, not to my self, ‘cause I don’t consider myself a successful WAHM.

I didn’t know how to manage cleaning up my house, looking after my BabyHana, and working. I thought I could do my job while looking after my baby girl—she’s no longer a baby, 3 years old, but for me, she’s always my little BabyHana. But then, I was wrong!

BabyHana keeps seeking for my attention. I gave her puzzle to solve, she came to me for a help. I gave her papers and crayons, she broke those crayons into pieces. I gave her some origami papers, she cut them out using scissors—don’t worry about her getting cut, she’s great with the scissors.

So, I spent my time cleaning up again and again. Plus, the maids working for me and my mom haven’t come back from their Idul Fitri Holiday at Kampung.

I only can work whenever Hana is sleeping at night—no she never takes a nap in the afternoon, she has too much energy to use! So, whenever I needed to work or do some errands, I sent her to my Mom’s. Normally, I would not do it because BabyHana’s lovely GrandMa has a great stock of chocolate bars—she has diabetes but she keeps chocolate in her fridge…tell me about it!

I managed to make her lose 2 pounds in almost a month (she now weighs 44 pounds). But, I think, after sending almost every 2 days to my Mom’s…she might even gain some more weight.

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