Engagement, Birthday and Business

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Friday, January 05, 2007 At 5:12 PM |

Tomorrow, my brother in law (my hubby's brother) is having his engagement.

I was chosen by my MIL to arrange everything. In a way, it's fun but in other way, I 'm afraid if what I've been doing cannot please her. Not that she's hard to please, not at all. But, I'm afraid she hoped for more and I can't arrange it as well as her hopes.

Plus, I'm also afraid if it can't please the future fiancé and her family. Or, it's just me worrying too much? Don't know.

BTW, today is my Mom's birthday. I baked her a cake this morning. I almost failed for the oven didn't work well. Glad that I could use the microwave to make it well-done.

The whole family were there, celebrating her birthday with the minimalist cake. My BabyHana did the praying and she looked soooo sweet.

Happy birthday, Mom. You're the best!

Now, about my (future) business...fiuh! I'm nervous about it. Soooooooo damned nervous! Am I a give-uper or what?! I'm not. I'm not. I've been telling myself that I'm not!

Still, I'm scared. What if it fails, just like the cake I baked my Mom? But, wait the minute...I could find a way to make the cake well-done anyway? Right? So, does it mean that I will somehow find a way to make the business go well?

Oh, I really hope so!

*What a weekend spirit!*

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Blogger HLiza Says:

Wow your MIL really trust you..I believe there's a good reason for that, you must be capable! Happy Bday to your mum.. Just be optimist with business..you can do it!

Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

:D Hi Liz, thanks so much.

I'm trying my best here

Blogger sunnyday Says:

I myself am excited about your business! Just keep focused on your goal, pray for guidance, do what you have to do and regard obstacles as challenges that make the path more interesting. =)

Keep us updated, ok?

Belated happy birthday to your mother.

Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

:D Thanks, Sunny...

I'll get my self focused :D

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Nice blog, I like the design. Just want to say hello. Keep working..


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