Wordless Wednesday - Saying Good Bye to My Desk

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Wednesday, November 22, 2006 At 11:21 AM |

for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

I hope you are okay and not stressed! Again, I'm so sorry

Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

Trying not to stressed out here...


Thanks, Atasha...

Blogger Gattina Says:

Excuse me, just red your age in the profile, then without no doubt I would work for another company ! You are far too young to stay home !

Blogger Chaotic Mom Says:

Waaaaaah! Do you have a computer at home?

I've posted my Wordless Wednesday, too. Enjoy! ;)

Blogger Unknown Says:

Tomorrow's another day....hang on, good things will be yours.

My Wordless Photo is posted. One you won't believe!!!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

You really need a steady income these days unless you are independently wealthy. Love the picture!

Happy Wednesday & Thanksgiving.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

You could try working at home for awhile, and also keeping a lookout for another job, too. Best Wishes!

Blogger Moogie Says:

That's always so hard. Good luck. I know it's a tough decision.

Happy WW!!!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Ah, I love working from home but I have the little guy. I think I'd like the steady income if I didn't have him ;). Hope you are able to make a decision that is best for you and not stress about it too much.

Blogger Holly Schwendiman Says:

:( I hope things work out for you!

Holly's Corner

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Hope something turns up for you very soon!

Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

Dear All,

Thanks for your support...will try to make the best decision for me and my family :D


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