Wordless Wednesday #1

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Wednesday, August 09, 2006 At 12:51 PM |

I don't know until when I can enjoy such
a beautiful view
from my window...

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Blogger Mama Duck Says:

Wow, that is just beautiful. Hope you are having a wonderful WW!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Oh, that is very beautiful. What a sight to look at it and it makes for such a beautiful photo.

Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

mama duck
thanks, mama duck...yes I had a great WW! :D

thanks so much... :D

Blogger Atasha Says:

Man that is a lovely view. Not only beautiful but peaceful.

Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

Yes, it is.

But you know what...I might not be able to see the sunset from my window again. Another room will be build next to it.


Blogger Atasha Says:

Oh no! Atleast you'll have the memories

Blogger Shaylondon Says:

That's a beautiful picture. Happy WW and TT. Both my posts are up.

Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

Yes, I will. Thanks, Atasha...

And, thanks, shay...I'll check out your WW, TT & FF :D


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