[Review] The Mistress of Spices by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
Like in her other books, in The Mistress of Spices, Divakaruni uses her beautiful writing style. Soft, unhurried, strong. She makes readers captivated in such a way that you feel every single sensation the main character, Tilo, undergoes.
This novel is somehow a flight of imagination, yet Divakaruni helps you to keep your feet on the ground. Both Raven—lover of Tilo—and Tilo, they have a certain power, an inhuman one, yet they are humanized by the humane love they feel for each other.
Not only the style and the plot can make readers unwilling to put the book down, but also the beautiful phrases.
Hope not built on reason brings disappointment only.
I tell myself, I deserve dignity, I deserve happiness.
This novel has been filmed. I wonder if the movie has the same magical raptness as the book.
Labels: books
Many times when great books are filmed something is lost between the pages and the big screen. Then it's never as good. Of course this may not be the case with this one, so who knows?
I've heard from a friend that he was disappointed with the movie since it lessens the beauty of the story ;-(
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