The Flood Continues...

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Monday, February 05, 2007 At 11:06 AM |

It breaks my heart...

Boats ferry supplies as Jakarta flood worsens

Flood victims badly need food, clean water

Yudhoyono tells Greater Jakarta to mitigate annual flooding

Hope it'll end soon and all the people in Jakarta live 'peacefully' again.

*photos1 and photos2 by Ciput*


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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

I pray that this disaster will end soon.

Thanks for visiting my site!! :) Of course, you can link my blog.. i'll like yours :D

Blogger HLiza Says:

I had wanted to know whether you're affected or not. It's really really bad..our southern states had had flood for 2 months..and the loss is close to MYR100 million! Now the victims are struggling to start back their ruined life. My heart goes to all my Indonesian friends..take care and I'm praying too all this will be over soon.

Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

Hi Amellie & Liza,

Thanks for the support. It's really sad what happen here.


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