Recipes of Thai Milk Tea

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Thursday, November 16, 2006 At 5:09 PM |

I simply love much as milk tea.

I used to love Nai Cha (ceylontea with milk) that I bought in a Chinese Fast-Food Restaurant called Chowking but now it tastes not as yummy as it was. So, I stop buying Nai Cha. I think I still love the Thai Tea I bought in Hanamasa, an all-you-can-eat Japanese Restaurant (I think it's Japanese since the waitresses are wearing kimono).

And, last weekend, I got my self a glass of unyummy Iced Milk Tea from a place (I don't think I can call it a cafe since they focus on selling tea) located at the South of Jakarta that might be ok to hang out at but not ok to sip a yummy milk tea.

So, today, I decided to check out some sites to get any recipes at all on milk tea, but I'm focusing on Thai Tea.

Here are the sites:
So, I think I'll try these recipes this weekend. can I get the Thai Tea? I don't think they sell it here in Indo...uh!

for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

I ordered my Thai tea leaf from I am in Japan and they shipped the tea to me but I have to pay for postage. Good luck.


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