Thursday 13 - Behaviors I Hate Most!

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Thursday, September 14, 2006 At 10:52 AM |

There are things that got on my nerve these days and I think I'm on PMS! Be careful! ;D
  1. Being Judgmental - I don't like it if someone is being too judgmental about others. Claiming that another person's acts or thoughts are wrong.
  2. Being Temperamental - Seeing someone easily getting mad over some silly things makes me wanna p*k*.
  3. Being Too Ignorant - This kind of persons are unaware of their surrounding. Once in a while it's tolerable but if he does it most of the time, I feel like punching the person on his face!
  4. Being Selfish - No matter how things will make others suffer, as long as he's happy, he wouldn't mind doing it. I can't live with such people.
  5. Impoliteness - I really can't tolerate this...mostly I blame the parents for not teaching the kid to be polite.
  6. Being Messy - It might hurt my eyes to see mess!
  7. Being Thoughtless - This kind of people are almost the same with those who are selfish...If she wouldn't care if she might have hurt someone.
  8. Unable to Ask for Forgiveness - I've known a person who finds difficulty in saying sorry even if she has made a mistake.
  9. Giving Advice without Being Asked to - Not that I don't like getting advices from others but those who like giving one must be able to find out if the advicee is in the mood for one or not.
  10. Underestimating - Oh I hate this one sooooooooooo much!
  11. Being Smart-Pants - Like he's the only one who knows everything and others are too fool to know such things.
  12. Being Pushy - I hate being pushed. I want to do things because I feel like doing it not because someone pushes me.
  13. Being Snob - What the hell they've got to make them have the right to be snob?

for this post

Blogger Raggedy Says:

Enters quietly.
Whispers...Great list!
Thank you.
Leaves a note saying you can come check my list if you want to...
Tip toes away..

Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

ssshhhhhh...I still can hear your tip toes...

Whispering: thanks...I'll check out yours...


Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

Well, if it's a sister...that's still ok...

What if it's a BOSS...temperamental boss...can u imagine?

Blogger K Says:

A great list! Everything on that list are behaviors that I really dislike too!!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Impolite people are one of my biggest pet peeves too. BTW, I see you are reading the Hello Kitty book. I was thinking of reading it, too. How is it? Thanks for stopping by to visit my TT.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Giving Advice without Being Asked to ~ this happens constantly since I had Baby Boy. Once Baby Girl gets here I'm sure I'll get even more unsolicited advice.

I hate this, too.

Happy Thursday!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

i hate pushy people, too. ugh! i like the colors of ur blog. :)

thanks for visiting!

Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

same here...abt Hello Kitty, yes, I like it. It helps me learn abt Kawaii Culture in Japan and the Sanrio business.

Oh yes, I also can't stand advices abt how I handle my baby...duh!

Thank you :D

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Great list. :) I have to agree with you on all of them except the "messy" one. I'm afraid I'm not terribly neat. *blush* Thanks for sharing. :)

Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

Thanks 'Anonymous' :D

To be honest, the right side of my desk needs some touch, too


Blogger FRIDAY'S CHILD Says:

I like your whole list of Thirteens. I love especially #s 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Thanks for passing by.

Blogger Knitting Maniac Says:

Tempermental people .... ah yes. My ex-boss was like this, and you didn't know what you should do on a daily basis in case she was in one of her "moods." Drove us bonkers.

Thanks for visiting.

Blogger Jane Says:

I totally agree! I especially agree with the impoliteness. Some parents just do NOT teach their children manners and it is wrong.
Thanks for stopping by my T13.

Blogger Kelly Curtis Says:

Ahhh, the pet peeves list. Mine would be about 4 posts long;) Well done.

I’m looking for feedback.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

I gotta do this TT someday. I'm sure I'd have a lot of behaviours I hate. I really can't stand it when people are selfish or pushy. Happy TT!

Blogger kaye Says:

i definitely agree with everything!

Blogger Meira{FB} Says:

hmmmmmmmmm......hope I don't have any of those bad habits.

Have a wonderful thursday!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:


How about "insincere friendliness"?

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Yes, 13 times!!! Happy T13 and thanks for stopping by (being polite).

Blogger My Shoes Says:

you know i bet we could all look within ourselves after reading your list!

Blogger BlondeBrony Says:

I think we all have a list like that.
Happy TT.

Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

Hi All,

Thanks for visiting my TT and share your thoughts about it.

And, yes, "insincere friendliness" sucks, too.


Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Man, that is quite a list, tell us how you really feel! I agree with all of them. :O)

Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

:o) most people will agree, I think :D

Thanks for visiting :D

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

I agree with all that you wrote on your TT. But of course, people who are like this gives the "spice" in our lives once in a while. It keeps us on our toes and they give us the occasional wrinkles and eventually, we can become better persons because we learn how to deal with them.


Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

Well, a certain amount of "spice" will do good, I think...




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