Another Tsunami in Indonesia

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Monday, July 17, 2006 At 6:21 PM |

At about 4 O'clock, my boss told me that there was an earthquake here at 03.30. I felt something but since my office is not located in a tall building, I thought it was just me feeling dizzy.

Then, just now, I've read that there's another tsunami in Java Island, as reported in ABC News.

I'm really scared though the location is far from where I am now. Hope it won't be as bad as the Aceh one.

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Blogger ime' Says:

my deep condolence for the victims...

itu beneran tsunami ato pasang yah? emang pasangnya keterlaluan sih, sampe' nenggelemin rumah.

Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom Says:

whatever it was scary...


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