Patience: Have you extra?

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Thursday, June 15, 2006 At 3:24 PM |

As a little kid, about 20 years ago or more, I was already learning about patience. My beloved Mom and Dad taught me how to be patient by not giving me right away whatever I asked for. Especially the fancy and unnecessary ones.

They said that if I wanted to have them, I have to save some money and buy them with the saving. Knowing that their budget was limited (yes, as a child I already knew the value of money and the essence of budgeting), I couldn’t do anything but doing what they told me to.

I learned not to indulge my self too much. I learned the value of patience.

Now, my friends keep saying that I’m a patient kind of person. In one thing, I might be. But, I also get uncontrolled easily, emotionally. I get outraged easily, I get sad easily, I get happy easily. So, I consider my self as an impatient person because being patient also means that you have good control over yourself—which I don’t.

I still need extra amount of patience to survive in this crazy world. Should you have extra of it, would you please share a LITTLE bit with me?

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Blogger Atasha Says:

When you find someone to share some with you, please send them my way. My patience have been stretched to the brink since I've had my 2 babies.


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