Mommy the Writer?

By Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom On Monday, May 22, 2006 At 12:51 PM |

This blogging mommy is still trying her best to be a writer.

Today, I'm planning to call the publisher where to I sent my book about 6 months ago. The last time I checked, they said that they were still reading it.

I can be more than patient waiting for the result. Whatever it will be, I believe that's best for me.

Huh, so Indonesian. Yup, Indonesian people are the most uncomplaining people. If something bad happens to us, we always have positive thinking that that's the best for us because God's trying to protect us somehow.

Just like with my baby Hana...if for example she hits her head on something and it's not puffy or bleeding, I have this thought in mind, "Glad she's just fine. Thank God. She could've hurt worst than that."

Does my desire in being a writer have something to do with my being a mom?

Yes, it does. I don't know if one day I can inherit money to my kids, at least, I can inherit books that I write by myself. Hopefully one day there'll be one on them...

Them? Yes, I'd like to have 2 kids...

Next year project!

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